Friday, March 30, 2012


I have a Oracle view which has user-info : user-name , passwords. Passwords in this view are encrypted. I exported this view to SQL Server. Can i use PWDCOMPARE(<plaintext>, <encryptedtext>) function on exported table to compare the Passwords?I don't think this is going to resolve your issue. Encryption done by Oracle is *proprietary* to Oracle. Pdwcompare() is proprietary to SQL. I also want to note that the use of this undocumented function is not supported by MS and they could change its behavior at anytime.|||With pwd.. functions and large strings, ANY user can crash pre-SP3 sql server!|||So how can i secure the user-info table which has "user-name & password" in SQL Server. Is thier a way that i can hide the password?

Thanks|||Do not save passwords in open format, even encrypted.
If your table is used to authorize users, store hash of password,
for example SHA1. Try

Good luck !|||Hi ispaleny,

Thank you for the link. It was really helpful. I just went through the link. It defines some encrytion algorithms. I am using SQL Server 7, and it doesn't allow "CREATE FUNCTION". Is their any other alternative?

Thanks|||Use stored procedure to encrypt row by row.|||I am able to use the stored procedure to encrypt each row one by one. But i am facing problem comparing the password.

I tried using "exec <storedprocedure name> " in the select statement and it doesn't allow me to do so. i want to use the return value of the stored procedure in the SELECT statement. I wrote stored procedure with two input variable and one output variable. I want to use the value of this output variable in the select statement.

Thanks|||Is this what you want ?

declare @.Ret bit
exec usp_YourSP '&^%','@.$#%^^$^#',@.Ret OUTPUT
select * from YourTable where YourCol=@.Ret|||No I was trying to use something like this

Select * from table1 where col1 = exec <storedprocedure> @.Ret OUTPUT.

I wanted call this stored procedure in my servlet program. I got that working, by using CallableStatement. Link you posted was very helpful. Thank you.

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