Saturday, February 25, 2012

Publish Reports Server to Internet

Hi all,
I have an external IP for my server and I tried to connect it from out side,
I notice that the link address appear on Status bar is my localhost's name
link ... and that's why it can be accessed to view reports. It just work if I
re-config my IP setting following external IP. Who can expalin me or show me
some addresses to study more about this problem ?
Thnx lots,
NgocYour local machine has its IP address and the server has its IP address
accessible from the Internet? Assuming you have configured security so that
the server is accessible from outside, you just need to do
http://<serverIPaddress>/Reports or https://<serverIPaddress>/Reports, right?
If you are doing http://<yourmachine>/Reports, then you will see the local
report server, unless you have used rsconfig.exe to point your local server
to the external server URL. Books Online has details on using rsconfig.exe.
Charles Kangai, MCDBA, MCT
"Phi Ngoc" wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have an external IP for my server and I tried to connect it from out side,
> I notice that the link address appear on Status bar is my localhost's name
> link ... and that's why it can be accessed to view reports. It just work if I
> re-config my IP setting following external IP. Who can expalin me or show me
> some addresses to study more about this problem ?
> --
> Thnx lots,
> Ngoc|||I am having the same problem where I go here http://(
The reports are viewable externally, but if I try to export them it reverts
to the computer name (Which happens to be MISERY) like this
Does anyone know how to change this?
Message posted via|||Open the RSWebApplication.config file and check the URL inside the
<ReportServerURL> element. Do the same with RSReportServer.config file. The
files are located in the folders <SQL Server Installation>\Reporting
Services\ReportManager and <SQL Server Installation>\Reporting
Services\ReportServer, respectively.
Charles Kangai, MCDBA, MCT
"David Benedict via" wrote:
> I am having the same problem where I go here http://(
> /Reports
> The reports are viewable externally, but if I try to export them it reverts
> to the computer name (Which happens to be MISERY) like this
> http://misery/Reports/Pages/Reports.aspx..etc.etc
> Does anyone know how to change this?
> Thanks.
> --
> Message posted via

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